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God Blackadder
God Blackadder
(Just a regular bloke....)
There's no doubt Toddy is a legend on the Rugby field, but there may be some things about him that the average fan isn't aware of.  RugbyHeads, always at the forefront of cutting edge journalism now brings you just a small peek into Toddy's life off the field.  We were impressed and we know you will be too...!


On his way home from another glorious victory with the Canterbury Rugby team, or while walking home from the pub in Rangiora, Toddy routinely saves the lives of endangered men and women. All part of a days work for the man-mountain who has lead the mighty Crusaders to three Super12 victories on the trot.
When RugbyHeads suggested that these heroics were perhaps a little beyond the call of duty and unlikely to be in the fine print on his contract with the NZRFU, he said; "...the rescues are always bloody tough, but I always new Ajax.InPlaceRichEditor('articlebody', 'scripts/inlineeditor.php', {externalControl:'articlebodyedit',rows:10,cols:120,callback: function(form, value) { return 'edittype=article&articleid=182&field=body&value=&editvalue=' escape(value) }});
by AT

Let us know what you think!


Personally I'm not all that surprised. After all, the guy has quite obviously modelled himself on me. What I can't understand is why he wasn't a member of the NZ Olympic squad. I guess it could have been tough even for Toddy to fit it between NPC games.
new Ajax.InPlaceRichEditor('btcommenttext', 'scripts/inlineeditor.php', {rows:10,cols:120,callback: function(form, value) { return 'edittype=article&articleid=182&field=BT_comment&value=Personally I%27m not all that surprised. After all%2C the guy has quite obviously modelled himself on me. What I can%27t understand is why he wasn%27t a member of the NZ Olympic squad. I guess it could have been tough even for Toddy to fit it between NPC games.%0D%0A&editvalue=' escape(value) }});
Supposedly this article has been viewed 521 times since we bothered to start counting*.
(Although it could have just been AT on the Reload button doing some serious ego padding!)

Let us know what you think!

Personally I'm not all that surprised. After all, the guy has quite obviously modelled himself on me. What I can't understand is why he wasn't a member of the NZ Olympic squad. I guess it could have been tough even for Toddy to fit it between NPC games.
Supposedly this article has been viewed times since we bothered to start counting*.
(Although it could have just been on the Reload button doing some serious ego padding!)