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Rugbyheads Exclusive: the Dwyer transcripts
Rugbyheads Exclusive: the Dwyer transcripts
(the good oil from inside NSW rugby)
Via our vast network of contacts and informants Rugbyheads' journalists were able to obtain exclusive transcripts of some of the key interactions between Waratahs coaching staff, the NSWRFU and the Waratahs players. The evidence speaks for itself.

Memo from the Chairman NSWRFU to Bob Dire (Friday, 10th May 2002):

Bob mate!

Heard of your decision to rest 7 starting players for the game against the Crusaders.

Bit of a shock really, but we have every confidence in your work and we will stand behind you if those turncoats - ah... the Sydney media, say anything nasty about it.

Yours etc
A. R. Ewe
personal friend of John O'Neil

PS: Don't f**k it up!

Transcript of Waratah's pre game Team talk (Saturday 11th May 2002, 7:25 pm NZST):

Ok, boys... This is the big game, bragging rights for the final and all that

(Merry laughter from all assembled.)

So anyway... you 7 who are starting the game instead of the first string players, this is your chance to really shine! I expect you to step up. I want this game to be one that is remembered for years to come!

(Cries of "Hear Hear!")

I believe in your abilities, you wouldn't be running on if I didn't think you could do the job, but there's just one thing... Don't f**k it up!

(Jolly laughing all round, with some back slapping and the odd comment of "Yeah good joke Coach!")

Edited transcript of Waratah's half time Team talk (8:20 pm NZST):

Ah... you 7 new guys! What part of "Don't f**k it up!" did you have trouble with?

Edited transcript of phone call from Chairman NSWRFU to Bob Dire (9:20 pm NZST):

... stupid c**t! John is spitting!

You are on your own now mate, hope the barracudas tear you apart!

Oh and by the way... what part of "Don't f**k......


Let us know what you think!

Supposedly this article has been viewed times since we bothered to start counting*.
(Although it could have just been on the Reload button doing some serious ego padding!)