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Who are we?

RugbyHeads was established in September 1998 by three keen Canterbury men with one-eyed opinions and too much time on their hands!

As we state right up front RugbyHeads is for the discerning Kiwi Rugby fan who has had enough of the "sit-on-the-fence" attitude of the main stream rugby press and is hanging out for someone to tell it like it is!

Since our humble beginnings the number of contributors to the site has expanded substantially. We still have a slight Canterbury bias (we always were masters of the understatement!) but as you will see from reading many of our articles we are keen to let anyone have their say, as long as they are passionate about the game.

If you think you have what it takes to write witty insightful rugby comment then let us have it. If it's half decent then we will post it to the site, and add you to the honour roll below.

Even if you don't have the time to write an article please take advantage of our discussion board to let's us know your views.

All articles are signed with the Author's initials/nickname, the current contributors are: