Over the last couple of years while using Linux, I've slowly become better at what could loosely be described as "hacking".
I mainly focus on stuff that is Palm related, mainly trying to integrate some of the command line tools available for Linux->Palm connectivity with some well known Linux applications.
Dilbert Perl Script
Here is a combo Perl Script/Shell Script that downloads todays Dilbert cartoon to a ~/tmp directory, converts the resulting .gif/.jpg to a .png, then converts that .png to a PiNGer imageviewer format file using "linbox" (contained in the ZBoxZ range of utilities), then copies the resultant .pdb to J-Pilot for installation.
For this to work, obviously you will need Perl installed on your PC. The script also uses wget to download the cartoon strip. You also need the following Perl Modules installed - LWP::Simple, HTML::Parse, HTML::Element & URI::URL. Goto CPAN for these.
All you need todo is make sure that both scripts are in your path (i.e /usr/local/bin) and run "chmod +x" on them, making sure you rename jdilbert.txt to jdilbert.pl. Also put "linbox" in your path as well. Lastly make sure you have a ~/tmp directory.
All you need to do is run the getdilbert script & it does all the work!
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Thats all folks at the moment! If I come up with anything else I'II post it here.