Over the last couple of years while using Linux, I've slowly become better at what could loosely be described as "hacking".
I mainly focus on stuff that is Palm related, mainly trying to integrate some of the command line tools available for Linux->Palm connectivity with some well known Linux applications.
gtd - desktop companion to mobileGTD
With PalmOS being rendered more and more obsolute, I've started looking at alternative devices. Palm's new webOS looks intriguing, but until thats released I've been using a Nokia N95. Its fantastic! I love the thing!
With a new device, there comes a need todo some tinkering! So oneday while using the excellent mobileGTD app, I thought I could do a perl command line script that basically mimics the functionality. Sure enough, I could!
You can download the latest version of gtd.pl from here. The idea of gtd.pl came from looking at the equally cool todo.txt. Basically by using a script you can manage lists (projects with actions) using the command line. The cool thing about gtd.pl is you can then transfer the mobileGTD compatible file/folder structure to your symbian s60 device (like a Nokia N95) to also see how you are progressing on your mobile!
Download the above file, put gtd.pl in your ~/bin directory & make sure you make it executable (chmod +x). You shouldn't need any fancy perl modules installed. By running:
gtd.pl help
You will get most of the information you'll need to make it useful. Basically there are 5 parameters you can pass. They are:
- p:n - project number
- a:n - action number
- f: - name of flider/directory
- s:+/-/! - status of action - either +, - or !
- options - an optional extra where needed, like a name of action, file path etc
Here are some examples:
gtd.pl list
list actions within projects - n being project number
gtd.pl listpa p:n
add action to project - n being project number
gtd.pl add p:n s:- f:Dev 'this is a test action'
At the moment I have only tested this on ubuntu linux, but it may work on other un*x based systems or even windows with cygwin! If it works then let me know.
Thats about it really! Any questions feel free to ask.
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Thats all folks at the moment! If I come up with anything else I'II post it here.